A day in the life of Autism

Monday, June 26, 2006

The persistent Arguing......

Like a dog with a bone that he can't let go...There are times I just want to scream. I know in my mind that it is his disorder. I know logically that he is arguing because something in his world is not right but emotionally if he argues one more time..... Well, I'll suck it up and remember that this to shall pass. This is the hard part of Autism that people look at you like you are a bad mom because you're letting some snot nose kid argue with you, or that you are coming down hard on a child who just asked why one time that they heard(they missed the other 5,365 times that day). I wish there was an out on this one or some kind or button to push to let them know that what they are doing is not OK, I wish there was a button to push to give me a muscle relaxer when this is coming on for him. No such luck. Tonight it was the banana. He wanted a banana. I told him we had already had dinner and dessert and we were not going to have a banana. (Now this might seem like a small request but I have to draw the line of when we eat and don't eat as to give order and not end up being a fry cook all day) What he was really mad about was were had to go to the store at an odd hour, right before bath time. This is unusual since I usually go after work and before we go home when I pick them up from SACC. This started the arguing and grabbing at everything in the store until I finally swatted his hand. That really made him mad but he stopped grabbing everything. The mouth kept going though. Finally he let it go and had his bath. When drying him off his tummy growled, I got him the banana. Now you might say you caved or bad mom he was really hungry, but had I given in while he was arguing I would have lost and been subject to more of these tirades day and night. You have to stand firm. This way it was due to real hunger and not because of the fit he was having. (He had already had a full dinner one hour before). Well with no button of muscle relaxers to push and the fit over he went to his next topic, I don't want to go----- fill in the blank. Like I say in my opener, don't argue just listen and learn....


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